An overview of managed application security testing tools

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Managed application security services is a field of strategies, technologies, and procedures designed to safeguard applications against vulnerabilities at every stage of their development lifecycles. Cybercriminals are organized, skilled, and driven to identify and use enterprise application vulnerabilities to steal data, sensitive information, and intellectual property. All types of applications (including legacy, desktop, web, mobile, and micro services) utilized by internal and external stakeholders, including clients, partners, and workers, can be protected by an organization with the aid of application security. However, because of ineffective procedures, many developers raise security and business concerns. Security of code poses a special danger. Modern application development involves a lot of dangers. However, by adhering to DevSecOps methods created to identify such risks and handle them before they produce problems, development risks can be minimized, if not entirely avoided. 

Managed application security - An overview to security testing tools

Importance of Application Security (AppSec): 

According to numerous studies, the majority of successful breaches target exploitable flaws in the application layer, highlighting the necessity for enterprise IT teams to be particularly watchful regarding application security. The quantity and complexity of applications are expanding, further exacerbating the issue. Ten years ago, safeguarding desktop apps and static websites—which were relatively harmless and simple to scope and safeguard—was the main software security concern. The software supply chain is much more convoluted now because of outsourced development, the large number of legacy programs, and internal development that uses commercial, off-the-shelf, open source, and third-party software components. 

Organizations require Managed application security solutions that protect all of their programs, including both popular external apps used on customers’ mobile phones and internal apps used within the company. These solutions must address every phase of development and provide testing once an application is deployed to look for potential issues. Managed application security solutions must have the capacity to evaluate code, test web applications for potential and exploitable flaws, and assist in managing the security and development management processes by coordinating efforts and fostering collaboration between the many stakeholders. Additionally, solutions must provide deployable and simple-to-use managed application security testing. 

The more quickly and effectively you can identify and address security flaws during the software development process, the safer your company will be. Everyone makes mistakes; thus, the difficulty is in quickly identifying them. For instance, a typical code error can let inputs that aren’t validated. If a hacker discovers them, this error could lead to SQL injection attacks and subsequent data leaks. 

This process and workflow can be made simpler and more efficient by using application security solutions that are integrated into your application development environment. These tools are particularly helpful if you are doing compliance audits because they can prevent errors from being discovered by auditors, which can save time and money. 

The alteration in the design of enterprise apps over the past several years has contributed to the segment’s quick growth in application security. The days of an IT shop taking months to develop requirements, test prototypes, and then deliver a polished product to an end-user department are long gone. Nowadays, the concept almost seems antiquated. 

Security Measures to be focused in Application security: 

Application security features include things like authentication, authorization, encryption, logging, and Application security testing. Code can also be used by developers to lessen application security issues. 

1. Authentication 

Programmers build Data security procedures into their applications to guarantee that only authorized users may access them. Procedures for user authentication confirm that the user is who they say they are. This can be done by requesting the user to enter a user name and password when logging into the application. The use of various types of authentications, such as something you know (a password), something you have (a mobile device), and something you are, is required by multi-factor authentication (a biometric).  

2. Authorization 

Following authentication, a user may be granted permission to use the application. The system may confirm that the user has permission to use the program by comparing the user identify to a list of authorized users. Authentication must happen before authorization for the program to match only verified user credentials to the list of authorized users. 

3. Encryption 

After a user has been confirmed and is using the application, additional security procedures can prevent sensitive data from being seen or used by a cybercriminal. Sensitive data can be protected by encrypting the traffic between the end user and the cloud in cloud-based apps. 

4. Logging 

Logging can help in the investigation of a security breach in an application by revealing who had access to the data and how. Application log files record who has accessed what portions of the application and when. 

5. Application Security Testing 

A procedure that guarantees the effectiveness of each of these security measures. 

Tools for Application Security: 

Various application vulnerabilities and security issues can be found, fixed, and resolved with the use of a comprehensive application security methodology. The most efficient and cutting-edge application security policies offer ways to relate the effects of security-related incidents to business results. 

The efficacy of any security measures your DevOps or security team adopts depends on choosing the appropriate application security technology for your business

Application security can be divided into numerous categories: 

1. Static Application Security Testing (SAST): 

By looking for the root cause in the application source files, SAST assists in the detection of coding errors. Comparing static analysis scan results with real-time fixes expedites the discovery of security issues, reduces MTTR, and makes collaborative troubleshooting possible.   

2. Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST): 

DAST is a more proactive strategy that delivers exact information about exploitable issues by simulating security breaches on a live online application. DAST assesses applications while they are running in production, making it particularly helpful for identifying runtime or environment-related issues. 

3. Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST): 

IAST combines elements of SAST and DAST by conducting analysis from within the application in real-time or at any time during the development or production process. IAST can produce more precise results and give more thorough access than earlier versions because it has access to all of the application’s code and components. 

4. Run-time Application Security Protection (RASP): 

RASP operates within the application as well, although its focus is on security rather than testing. Continuous security checks and automatic reactions to potential breaches are provided by RASP, which may include closing the session and notifying IT teams. 


This gives a brief summary of application testing. It might be said that there are numerous risks involved in developing modern applications. You can’t plan for every eventuality. To find and fix problems and reduce risk, you can properly plan and test as much and as early as feasible. 

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About SISAR B.V.

SISAR started its operation as a service based organization offering IT solutions and Managed services. Through a deep-set commitment to our clients, SISAR expanded its offering into IT consulting to ensure the highest levels of certainty and satisfaction.

Picture of Jan Bakker
Jan Bakker
Jan Bakker is a seasoned cybersecurity specialist with over a decade of experience in safeguarding digital assets against evolving cyber threats. With a passion for defending against sophisticated attacks, Jan has worked with multinational corporations and government agencies, implementing robust security measures and incident response protocols. His expertise spans network security, encryption technologies, and threat intelligence analysis. Jan is dedicated to raising awareness about cybersecurity best practices and empowering organizations to stay ahead of cyber adversaries.